Tuesday, May 22, 2007

When is it okay to pirate software, if ever?

Is the author correct? Does piracy encourage people to BUY things?

What should movie companies do to stop piracy (if anything)?


Itsjustablog said...

Im done

Jcax said...


alexomir said...


cougarette dancer said...


~*SuSaNa*~ said...

im done

~*~SaRiTa~*~ said...


LoneAsp said...


ThugzMansion said...

I did it

Luis said...

im done LL

Pantzer_legion said...

I finished Mr.Freer.

Choose doranakal

Jorge Bartra

John said...

When is it okay to pirate software, if ever? In my opinion it’s only okay to pirate when the original prices are ridiculously outrages.

Is the author correct? No, I think people will just pirate as well, instead of buying it.

Does piracy encourage people to BUY things? No, it encourages people to get the product, how they get it is their choice.

What should movie companies do to stop piracy (if anything)? I really don’t think they can do anything.